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Industry Face-off: Retail vs. Restaurant

As the global pandemic forces retail and restaurant brands to radically adapt, pivot and innovate, this is an opportune moment for the two industries to learn from each other. Our design and strategy teams recently joined forces to weigh in on the TOP 10 experiential strategies from each industry—identifying who does what best.

Exploring Emerging Shifts in the Legal Workplace

The world of work has undergone tremendous change in the last three years. During that time, NELSON has designed 1.5 million square feet of legal workspace for 28 different law firms. Fundamental to our approach has been asking questions that push beyond the borders of a particular project: Rather than responding solely to requests for design services, we explore firm objectives, operational methods, and culture to develop solutions that truly respond to deep organizational needs.

This has given us a unique perspective on what makes a successful legal workplace. We have distilled that knowledge into five core insights that can guide firms as they think about creating contemporary workplaces.

Work After Covid-19: Scalable Workplace Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced our society to accept a new normal, and these learned behaviors will cause a monumental shift in how we return to the workplace. A shift where every corporation must embrace a renewed sense of energy on creating environments that are safe, healthy, and inspiring to work in.

At NELSON, it’s our goal to provide a holistic approach of strategic changes employers can make today, tomorrow, and in the future, to make this transition back into the workplace as seamless as possible.

The effects of the global pandemic will reflect the flaws of our past but will also give us the opportunity to emerge stronger than before.

Exploring Emerging Shifts in the Legal Workplace

Let’s face it – the legal workplace of today is light years from where we were five years ago. In today’s world, hybrid work models are the norm, and change-weary employees are often asked to adapt to new methods of work. This is why we must rise to meet the challenges and demands of this new era.


At NELSON, we’re rewriting the rules by boldly transforming the employee experience through innovative architecture and design, revolutionizing the way legal professionals work. We believe in a holistic approach to design and partner with our clients to create spaces that support their unique brand- and sector-specific connections and promote engagement.

The Case for Open Office Environments in the Legal Workplace

In today’s legal workplace, hierarchical organization of office space, crowned by the ultimate reward of the corner office for the highest ranking attorneys, reigns supreme. But as is true for any static institution that doesn’t keep up with the changing times, a revolution is taking place.

Evolving Hospitality Trends: Reframed Rituals

The events of 2020 have fundamentally changed the way consumers engage with environments. Hotel brands must embrace a new, innovative mindset to better prepare for the future. These reframed rituals could be minor, but we may also see brands experiment at a larger scale by allowing guests more visibility and control in their experience.

The Office Renaissance: Future Of Work

Many factors will shape the future of the office and the way we work, but at a minimum corporations must embrace a renewed sense of energy on creating environments that are safe, efficient, and most importantly, inspiring to work in. The future of the workplace is here and the renaissance of the office will allow us to emerge stronger than before.

Designing to Encourage Leadership, Mentorship, & Communication

At NELSON Worldwide, we know great workplace design not only enables and encourages communication, but helps leaders perform better. When we accomplish these two objectives in our design solutions, our clients gain a workplace that naturally boosts the opportunity for, and success of, the key to all great companies: great mentorship.

Legal Workspaces Reimagined: The Evolution of Law Firm Design

As the workplace evolves, the legal sector is no exception. This typically conservative industry has once again been forced to adapt quickly to maintain business continuity. The challenges developing around physical space, client service, and employee safety promise to reshape the legal workplace in both the near and long-term future.