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Boston Business Journal: Massive Charlestown Waterfront Project Would Include 22-Foot Flood Barrier

The former Domino Sugar refinery site on the Mystic River in Charlestown has limited the public’s access to the waterfront for decades. Now a developer is proposing to transform the 21-acre site with about 1.7 million square feet of mixed-use and open space.

Braintree-based real estate company The Flatley Co. has kicked off the development review process for 425 Medford St. in Charlestown. The Flatley Co. also owns the nearby Schrafft Center, a former candy factory with prominent clocktower.

As part of the 425 Medford project, The Flatley Co. has also pitched a 22-foot high flood barrier, that will be built to standards that aim to prevent future coastal flooding. That barrier will be built along a newly proposed three-quarter-mile public space on the Mystic River, including an extension of Boston’s Harborwalk, recreational and park areas, a public dock, launch areas for boats and kayaks as well as public look-out spots. Read the full article here.

REBusiness Online: How to Revitalize Urban Landscapes Through Mixed-Use Development

In recent years, urban landscapes across the globe have witnessed a transformation fueled by mixed-use development.

Cities are using sports and entertainment venues in particular as anchors for sizable mixed-use projects, creating vibrant destinations that not only attract crowds but also breathe new life into previously neglected urban areas. These developments have the power to serve as economic catalysts, creating new jobs, increasing foot traffic and generating tax revenue — and it all begins with great urban design.

National Practice Leader, Mixed-Use Lamar Wakefield shares his insights on how to revitalize urban landscapes through mixed-use development. Read more with REBusiness Online here.

FacilitiesNet: Veteran Affairs Renovates with DEI In Mind

Veterans Affairs updated their Atlanta Regional Office into an inviting, veteran-centric environment that supports national pride and provides services and support for staff and visitors through flexible, welcoming spaces.

In a four-phased approach to update all four floors of the office building, NELSON Worldwide worked in partnership with Higdon + Herring to create a modernized workspace for employees, as well as a “one-stop shop” of veteran-facing services within their building, including meeting spaces, hearing rooms, job lab, cafe, and patio.


Read more with FacilitiesNet here.