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As the Architect of Record in collaboration with Design Architect Perkins Eastman, we delivered a new School of Nursing and Sciences facility for Rutgers University on its Camden, New Jersey, campus. Flanking the new City Hall plaza outdoor green space, the location was an opportunity to engage with its downtown urban context, enhance the presence of Rutgers Camden, and facilitate further economic growth and development for the city. 

The scope of work includes a variety of teaching facilities for nursing and science as well as general classroom and auditorium space. In addition to the traditional teaching spaces, the design team is creating case study and SCALE UP (Student Centered Active Learning Environments with Upside-down Pedagogies) classrooms to support a dynamic learning environment. Simulation labs, including patient exam rooms and a home-care lab, provide state-of-the-art space for hands-on training. Generous corridor spaces with seating alcoves allow for informal small group interaction. At strategic locations, video monitors with adjacent seating clusters accommodate image projection and group study/collaboration outside of the formal classroom setting. 

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