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Sports bar and restaurant franchise Buffalo Wings & Rings tapped us for the creation of its ghost kitchen brand NBL CKN. Initially designed as a shadow brand then developed into an online ghost kitchen exclusively serving out of select BW&R locations, the digital concept reaches beyond the traditional mainstream brands to focus on progressive menu offerings, youthful and irreverent tone of voice, and expanding access. To separate itself from in category competition, we created a brand position, tone of voice, logo, and a full set of secondary icons—displayed throughout the experience both online and at the brand’s one brick-and-mortar location.

The newly created chicken brand, NBL CKN, was piloted at the local Queen of the Wing Festival, and emerged victorious at the festival by breaking preconceived notions while under disguise and doubled down on the culinary expertise of the BW&R brand. The 85-unit casual dining chain decided to use this momentum to launch the concept as a ghost kitchen operating at select BW&R locations.

Following the success of NBL CKN as a ghost kitchen brand and the acceleration of takeout and delivery services, NBL CKN continues to use this brand in innovation and franchise growth.

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