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This will be a state-of-the-art criminal justice operation involving the following agencies: Law Enforcement and Police agencies, the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, District Court Commissioners, Sheriff’s Office, Health and Human Services, Office of the Public Defender, and other related agencies.

The CJC will be the central processing location for all offenders arrested by law enforcement in Montgomery County, and as such, will serve as the entry and discharge point for over 16,000 persons arrested and detained annually in the County. Short term detention services for men, women and juveniles will be provided as well as support services to respond to the needs of the critical first 72 hours after arrest. This will involve health care screening, mental health evaluation, pre-trial screening and initial appearance hearings, prisoner classification for those not being released, and public defender services. This maximum security facility also will provide a location for the District Court of Maryland Commissioners’ Office where judicial proceedings will be conducted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, combining public access and security needs. Montgomery County Police warrants and fugitives units provide interrelated services on a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week basis and require direct access to the central processing unit. Secure transport facilities are an essential component of facility operations for all stakeholders.

Prior to the start of the Conceptual Planning Phase, the A/E will reconfirm the scope of the Project and prepare a Program of Requirements (“POR”) for the Project. The POR is the detailed written summary of the requirements of the facility which sets forth the County’s design objectives, constraints and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, quality levels, flexibility and expendability, special equipment and systems, and site requirements.

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