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The Monroe County Commissioners together with the Judiciary are proceeding with plans to renovate, modernize, and build an addition to the County Courthouse. These improvements are a priority for the County and the Court and are the result of over a decade of careful study that consistently demonstrated a need for both expansion and modernization.

The Monroe County Courthouse was built in 1890 and an identically sized addition was built in 1934; both portions were added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 18, 1979. The courthouse was last expanded in 1979. However, meeting current needs has forced the use of spaces not designed as work areas. With space limitations and an increasingly aged facility, Monroe County Officials have embarked on a project to upgrade the existing courthouse and construct an addition. CGL is providing complete design services for the new addition and the renovation of the 1890’s, 1930’s, and 1970’s buildings. The overall design preserves the existing buildings and seamlessly integrates them with the new addition into a new cohesive building that is designed to be welcoming, safe, and user-friendly.

The addition includes six new state-of-the-art courtrooms with evidence presentation technology, six judicial suites, jury deliberation rooms, and central holding areas. The 1970s annex is being renovated to include two courtrooms, three hearing rooms, and additional judicial suites and meeting space. The historic courtroom in the original building will continue in use as the jury assembly room. The building exterior is clad in limestone masonry and buff-colored brick to complement the original historic courthouse and required extensive reviews with the Stroudsburg Historic District Commission for approval.

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