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The Art of the Touchpoint: Reframing Rituals in the Hotel Industry

The innovation of optimizing, amplifying, reinventing, and even eliminating established rituals across the hotel experience — purposely considering the impact on guests, staff, and strategic partners.

Now and in the future, smart lifestyle brands will invest in four key drivers in 2021: partnerships, convenience, day-usage, and outdoor experiences. Read more in the CCR article.

Future Proofing the Office

As designers driven by the prospect of transforming all dimensions of the human experience, we advocate for spaces that support health and wellness and create future proof concepts so that companies may adapt and evolve without the need for relocation. With every project, our team promises and delivers spaces that meet the standards of today and tomorrow.

Healthcare Facilities: Sensible Solutions to Real Emergency Situations

How should we design for healing in response to emergency situations? The COVID-19 pandemic continues to put healthcare systems around the world to the ultimate test. From staffing to equipment to facilities, hospitals have bravely and expertly maximized their resources – managing surge capacities, delivering acute and critical care, and doing more with less in a remarkably short period of time. As every day yields new lessons learned, the pandemic challenges us to identify and respond to potential vulnerabilities going forward.

Future of Finance: Experience Reimagined

The COVID-19 pandemic has reframed how many consumers assess their financial standing. With an increase in job fluctuation, economic instability, and personal stressors impacting our everyday lives, it’s no surprise that our attitudes toward spending, saving, and considering our personal finances has rapidly evolved over the last year.

NELSON spotlights five changing consumer behaviors that are impacting the financial services sector and how you can better position your brand for the future.

Environmental Graphic Design After COVID-19: Leveraging EGD to create engaging experiences

As the world continues to adapt and change, we seek to understand what some of the more unseen impacts may be. Graphic design is incorporated into every aspect of our lives in ways we aren’t always consciously aware of. It will influence our environments post-pandemic by focusing on ways to communicate new rules and processes, providing clarity on expectations, establishing a sense of community, and creating continuity for the future. 

COVID-19 Temporary Testing Facilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new urgency to quickly set up and adapt both public and private space for temporary testing facilities (TTFs). To help our clients, communities, and nation minimize ongoing pandemic impacts, we have developed a set of best practices and insights to safely and efficiently establish a TTF.

Retail After Covid-19: A New Connected Economy

Robyn Novak of NELSON Worldwide shares insight on the new, Connected Economy. One that places more value in meaningful experiences with a focus on authentic human connection, supported by revolutionary new technology that allows consumers greater access than ever before.