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officeinsight 2021 Year In Review: Workplace Innovation Session

The team at NELSON Worldwide developed interactive sessions to understand an organization’s unique needs as they come back to the office. These collaborative workshops are designed to spark innovation, ensure that cross-functional teams are working toward a common goal, and, ultimately, foster a user-centric design. Read the full 2021 year in review issue here.

i+s: ALA Chicago

This new Chicago-based office embodies company culture and creates an engaging space for employees.

Both employers and employees alike crave workplaces that embody company culture and tell a compelling story of the brand they work for. So, when it came to relocate its longtime office in Chicago, the American Library Association (ALA) tapped design firm NELSON Worldwide to deliver a new space that would excite and motivate staff while leaving a lasting impression on members and visitors. Read more here.

Chain Store Age Magazine: Brick-And-Mortar; The Omni Tango

“From curbside pickup to dressing rooms, every customer interaction needs to be purposeful and personal.”

In a recent article with Chain Store Age Magazine, teammate Meredith Seeds discusses how the future of physical retail is intrinsically tied to how well retail brands can lead and follow their customers. Read the full article here.